Travel Management Software

Expense management module enables you and your enterprise to conveniently offer a timely expense report every time you want it. It provides you with a secure way to save and retrieve your transaction data without having to purchase highly sophisticated servers for the systems and is user friendly in nature. It is essential to note that income cannot be computed aptly if expenses cannot be administered appropriately. Simultaneously, gaining can be realized if spending is defined accurately and timely. This is a reason why expense management modules are needed.

However, when it comes to business travel management it is not only about simple budget consolidations and deductions. It is rather about managing corporate travel expense is an optimum manner without having to compromise productivity and quality. Efficient business travel expense management module of Officenet offers reduced expenses, in terms of travel expenses as well as expense for travel administration. Every organization has internal rules and regulations regarding business travel. Officenet ensures that there is compliance in these corporate policies and rules.

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  • Every move can be monitored as all the authority is with the Admin
user details
  • Each and every rule and policy can be implemented
  • Enables hassle free business tours
  • Helps in improved cost management with an useful travel spend analysis
  • Improves employee satisfaction because the processes are more systematic and organized
  • Maximizes the speed for travel claim approval process as no conventional methods that include manual paper methods


  • Travel requisition- Apply for your travel
  • Travel expense claim- Claim the travel expense
  • Travel expense claim history may also be viewed
travel screen