Officenet HR Software - Surveys
An effective survey can be viewed as a ‘Brain’ of an entire organization. It leads to an organization where employees are ‘singing from the same hymn book’. Survey is a great way to collect and distribute information and content throughout an organization which add the value to your organization. Unlike traditional method, no need for calculation for receiving results. It is a critical ingredient to success.
Officenet Survey is relatively inexpensive and have a very small cost per respondent. Even if incentives are given to respondents, the cost per response is often far less than the cost of administering a paper survey and the number of potential responses can be the 100% of your organization. The anonymity of surveys allows respondents to answer with more candid and valid answers. To get the most accurate data, you need respondents to be as open and honest as possible with their answers. Surveys conducted anonymously provide an avenue for more honest and unambiguous responses than other types of research methodologies, especially if it is clearly stated that survey answers will remain completely confidential.
- Help in decision making
- Inexpensive
- Anonymity enables true opinion
- Unlike traditional method, no need for calculation for receiving results