My Page

Just as the company information should be available for all within the Intranet, it should also be of help that network includes information about the employees. Encourage the employees to fill out their personal / professional bios or profiles.

The My Profile page in the My Intranet area is where you can enter information about you that lets you connect and collaborate with other people in your organization as well as allows you to manage your own space in the organization through intranet by managing personal details, uploading photos, events, personal directory etc.

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						<p>Leave Status</p>	
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  • Easy access in no time.
  • Information access only to user and admin.
  • Information together just a click away.
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  • Profile- Contains all your personal details.
  • My Directory- The employee list selected from employee directory displays here.
  • My Address book- Contains the personal details of your colleagues.
  • Calendar- Set reminders and make notes for the upcoming events.
  • Salary Slips- Keep a record of all your salary slips.
  • Company Assets- Keep a track of all the company provided assets.
  • Attendance- Access your attendance as per your requirement.
  • Subordinate List- Make a list of subordinate details.
  • Refer Candidate- Refer your peers for current job openings.
  • Change password- Change your password anytime.
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